Certain Things to watch for in the cause of choosing a life Partner

Love : The first thing that should reflect is the agape love, I.e the love of God " Submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of God." (Eph. 5:21; Romans 12:9,10). Compatibility: One of the questions that do arise within the youth ministry is how compatible am I to her, or how compatible is she to me?. The issue of compatibility is measured across varying axis of life, e.g. Character/Attitude, Temperament, Background, Education, Finance, e.t.c. The intending partners must know that both parties must agree and be agreeable "Can two walk together, except they be agree?" (Amos 3:3), the issue of compatibility is a great factor to consider in your choice of life partner; even when you are convinced that God is leading you. And when you don't feel so compatible with the fellow you are sure God is leading you to, or leading to you, ensure you don't take a step further into such union until you have prayed through, and your doubts are cleared. Let...