Understanding Courtship

What is Courtship? Courtship is a period during which a couple develop a romantic relationship before getting married. 
The greatest disease on earth is "ignorance"! No doctor on earth can diagnose this disease, except the carrier. There is no pharmacologist on earth that can manufacture the drug that would treat this deadly disease. 
However, there is a drug that can cure it. This drug is not prepared in any laboratory. This drug cannot be found on the shelf of any chemist. This drug does not have manufacture and expiry dates like common drugs. 
The drug cannot be faked by any manufacturer. This drug has only one brand throughout the whole world. This drug can only be found in the Book of books - The Holy Bible.
Jesus revealed the name of this drug to us. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" - John 8:32.
Truth is the effective drug that can treat the ignorance of men. Truth is the only liberator from the trap of ignorance. Many of our young ones these days go into courtship without knowing what it involves, some just believe it's just to see that man or woman they like based on their physical attributes, and the next thing is marriage not knowing who the person really is. When you ask some intending couple how the person they want to spend the rest of their life with should look like, you will see them mentioning physical attributes like Money, beauty, stature, complexion e.t.c.
Some guys will be like, they don't have X-ray to check for inner beauty (funny), they only care about the physical looks, that's why we see that break-up/divorce is very rampant these days, because after sometime they get tired of the physical look and you see them cheating. Intending couple need to wake up from their slumber, save your future and help your kids in order for them to have a better future by marrying the right person, because if you marry the wrong person, break-up is inevitable and it will surely affect your kids.
Lack of understanding what courtship is all about has bereft many of it's importance; and as a result, some who have kept themselves pure get involved in impure acts, the moment they are engaged.
For you to grasp full understanding of courtship, there is the need for you to gain insight into relationship between Jesus and His Church. The relationship between Jesus and the Church informs marriage. When God instituted marriage, He had Jesus and the church in mind, God is a God of purpose and objectivity. The relationship between Jesus and His church has a purpose and this could be seen in courtship.
Courtship precedes marriage. Courtship metamorphoses into marriage, without courtship, there is no marriage. I want to add that courtship is as important as marriage.
As a Christian, you are in a courtship with Jesus Christ. This divine truth translates into physical relationship between two opposite sex who promise to marry each other. Jesus promised to marry us when He takes us to heaven - That is the basis of the relationship! So, if you promise to marry someone, you are simply betrothed to that brother or sister. The period between the time the relationship starts and the time of marriage is known as COURTSHIP.
Note: Courtship is not all about merriment, shopping and so on, take time to study who you want to spend the rest of your life with, I wish all intending couple a blissful marital life ahead. God bless.

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