Fasting and Prayers Before Marriage

Marriage as an institution has divine approval. The family, which is the basic unit of the society, is equally in God's scheme of things, especially with His decision to create mankind - male and female. The coming together of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as husband and wife was not accidental. They were specifically instructed to be fruitful and multiply, till the earth, subdue the earth and have dominion. Before these instructions can be obeyed by 'man', marriage must have taken place.

1. Divine Leading (Romans 8:14; Pro. 18:22)
You have a right to claim guidance,because He has promised to guide you. You have a right to claim that He will lead you. But just to pick out someone and say, "I'm going to believe God and she's/he's going to be my wife or husband", is unscriptural; neither is it the right way of exercising faith. You can seek wise counsel from someone you respect spiritually, but you shouldn't look to any man, to receive God's guidance on your behalf. That's unscriptural; it is the responsibility of both would be husband and wife to carry out finding through divine guidance, in order to earn God's favour.
2. Dealing with Spiritual Teratogens (Inherited Evils) 
Ignorance destroys faster than cancer or any other deadly disease. "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). This day, many have learnt from the the experience of others. So the would-be husband and wife can jealousy guard against teratogens. Teratogens is from the Greek word 'tera' meaning "monster". Any agent that causes birth defects or hazards to prenatal development is a teratogen. This includes: Drugs, incompatible blood types, sexually transmitted diseases (STD),
In the same vein, there are spiritual teratogens (i.e spiritual inherited evils) such as evil foundational altar, evil covenant, hidden curses, the stronghold or the weakness of one's family, i.e a common mysterious sickness, divorce, bareness, failure at the verge of breakthrough, spirit of lust, premature death and so on.
By this, a genetic blue print produces commonalities of negative life experience to the generation involved. Except attention is drawn to it as early as possible, and supernatural settlement occurred, evil occurrences may keep repeating itself generationally. So to all intending couple, I urge you to pray against spiritual teratogens fervently.
3. Dealing with forces of Darkness (Eph. 6:10-12)
We must take cognizance of Satan's cohorts. Satan's cohorts are not dumb, they are actively four/seven (24/7) to frustrate, steal, kill and destroy every good intention. We must not allow them to take us unaware as we look forward to setting up a Christian home.
4. Overcoming the Spirit of lust and infatuation  during Courtship (1John 2:15-17)
This is a faulty marital foundation for a Christian home. Infatuation means love at first sight. It is a strong but foolish feeling of love for someone, because it is predominantly sensual. This kind of love is not genuine love but lust; it does not take long before if fades away. Christians home should never be built on lust and infatuation. Any home built on love of infatuation will not stand.
 5. Avoiding Premarital Sex (Deut. 22:20-21)
Premarital sex is a serious faulty marital foundation that is illicit sex; it is ungodly and a grievous sin. It is forbidden in the scripture. Sex before and outside marriage attracts God's judgement. Premarital sex can lead to unwanted pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases (STD); while may result to bareness and eventually land the party involved in hell.
Youth should be wary of premarital sex which is defined as a sexual relationship or intercourse between a male and a female who are unmarried. It is unbiblical! Christian youths should avoid it at all cost. Any home started through premarital sex is bound to fail. Intending couple should handle the issue with prayer and be extra vigilant. Avoid coming together in a secluded areas during at anytime.
6. Expose hidden sin or mistake and deal with it collectively (Acts 5:1-5)
Attempting to cover up anything that must not be covered from each other is another grievous means of building on a faulty marital foundation. It can give birth to an incurable wound if not revealed beforehand. Many homes have been torn apart as a result of this faulty marital foundation.
7. Dealing with Financial Crisis (Ps 35:27)
The stress of financial crisis can be too much at times. It makes sense if the prospective couple address the issue of finance with prayer. Time invested in prayer for financial breakthrough is a faith-seed, which will definitely bring harvest. Scripture recognizes that money is necessary for survival.
To some Christians, poverty is a Christian virtue, because they believe that wealth is capable of drawing people away from God. This is what is referred to as "theodicy of escape", which is rationalized or the justification of one's economic and social status as an advantage as far as salvation is concerned.
The Bible does not in anyway condemn wealth, Christians are only warned against excessive love for it or being overcharged for money in order not to lose their salvation. Of course, the gospel cannot be propagated without money.

Intending couple should endeavour to put all these in cognizance, and pray fervently, i wish you all a fruitful marital life, remain blessed. And don't forget to follow and subscribe to this blog, thanks. 


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